07 Sep 2020
It’s that time of year again. The Occupational Therapy Board of Australia (the Board) is hosting its webinar for graduates to help them understand how to register and what they need to know about registration as an occupational therapist.
Join Board Chair, Julie Brayshaw, for a helpful webinar and Q and A session that will cover:
• the role of the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia (the Board)
• the role of Ahpra
• the registration process, including when and how to apply
• registration costs including financial hardship arrangements
• how to contact Ahpra and how we will contact you
• your obligations as a practitioner, including registration standard requirements and guidelines
• notifications .
If you are unable to participate on the day, a recording of the session will be available on the Board's website two weeks after the event. The recording will be available to everyone. If you have any further queries about this webinar please email