Occupational Therapy Board of Australia - Request for tender: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety training
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Request for tender: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety training

03 Sep 2018

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) invites experienced parties to develop and deliver Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety training by either a sole supplier who can deliver services nationally or a panel of suppliers locally.

Delivering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety training is integral in achieving patient safety for all Australians.

The training will be delivered to AHPRA staff, Accreditation Authorities, Agency Management Committee, and the National Boards of the 14 health professions regulated under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme and their Committees. 

This is part of a broader commitment which aims to achieve equity in health outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Peoples and other Australians, to close the gap by 2031. The broader commitment as highlighted in AHPRA’s National Scheme Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Strategy Statement of Intent aims to achieve: 

  • a culturally safe health workforce supported by nationally consistent standards, codes and guidelines across all professions in the National Scheme
  • using our leadership and influence to achieve reciprocal goals
  • increased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ participation in the registered health workforce
  • greater access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to culturally safe services of health professions regulated under the National Scheme, and
  • increased participation across all levels of the National Scheme.

Request for tender

The request for tender and contract of agreement are now available on AHPRA's e-tendering portal.

Applications close 12 October 2018, 5:00PM AEST.

Information session

An information session will be held for interested parties in Melbourne on Tuesday 4 September 2018 at 11:00AM AEST.

Those attending either by person or by Skype please email procurement@ahpra.gov.au to confirm attendance. A limit of two guests per supplier can attend in person.

For more information

For further information please contact Vanessa Morris at vanessa.morris@ahpra.gov.au

Page reviewed 3/09/2018